Saturday, August 6, 2011

Litte Randy

My mothers brother,  Randy died before he was 13 years old. I don't wanna get in that story but this is a pix that will always remind us  of him. This hat was his.

Our Destin Trip

We went to Destin for the day today.  Kenny had a family reunion there. We love the beach! Our son loves the water (actually any water)! The day started out with me getting very annoyed because I felt rushed. Asher was tired. Mommy way tired. Dad was his normal self.  Lol! Ash did really good on the ride.  He slept until we were about 30 min from our destination. We actually took him in the ocean which he loved. We swam in the ocean, bathed, napped, ate, swam in the pool, bathed again, shopped, ate and slept again. It was a fun day and we are looking forward to many more family trips.

Friday, August 5, 2011

My support system

Life has many turns and twists. People see their future usually one way and alot of times there are things thrown in that can alter those plans in an instant. Sometimes we give our hearts to people only for them to rip it to pieces and give it back. Sometimes we make choices that seem like the absolute right choice at the time. Sometimes one person can have an affect on you in such a profound way. When I get weak and feel down and out I know that my Heavenly Father is in control. Its always great to have someone in your life that inspires you and pushes you to do more. I am extremely thankful for every one of my friends and every member of ny family. Just when I think I am alone, there is always someone there to pick me up and remind me that I am not alone.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rascal Flatts- I wont let go.

So back when Asher was probably 3months old,my mom introduced him to Rascal Flatts. In particular,  a song titled "I wont let go." Every time she or we would play this song or he would hear it somewhere, he was so alert and still. As the weeks passed, he began humming or actually moaning while the song played. We always thought he was singing. To this day, he loves the song still. My 6month old loves Rascal Flatts "I wont let go." When he is fighting his sleep or agitated all it takes is some Rascal Flatts to ease him. I sing it to him at night,along with "What a wonderful Maker b Jeremy Camp" "Hungry by Kathryn Scott" and some of my other favorite songs. It is the sweetest moment. Asher,Mommy, rocking in the glider rocker in his room, lights low,music low....just me and my man!! The chorus of this song is awesome. It is a great representation of how I feel for my son, how my parents feel for me and my siblings and how Jesus Christ cares for His children. "I will Stand by you, I will help you through,  when you've done all you can do and you can't cope. I will
Dry your eyes, I will fight your fight,  I will hold you tight and I wont let go.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17

Remember when

As I sit here rocking my baby boy to sleep...we are listening to Remember When by Alan Jackson and thoughts are rolling through my head.  This song reminds me so much of my parents. "When the sound of little feet..was the music we danced to week to week" true and fitting for my parents. I have never known two people who love their children and grandchildren so much. My mom has kept Asher since he was 6 weeks old. Now at 6 months old.....she has to give up her days with him in order to work. I see in her eyes how much she dreads it....I do too. Although he will be in great hands.....there is a bond there that she doesn't want broken. I think of families where the kids grow up and move on forgetting their parents or the parents make other things a priority rather than their children.  I cannot understand this.  My parents or are my best friends. Always will be. They have taunt and are still teaching me how to be a great mom. Just as Jesus Christ loves us unconditionally,my parents love me and my son unconditionally.  There is no greater feeling than to know that you are loved. My parents have instilled values and morals in me and my siblings that we can carry on to our children. So thank you Mom and Dad (although you probably wont read this)....I love you for all that you are and everything you have made me.


This is my first blog this year. Alot has changed. I gave birth to my baby boy , Asher, in January and he is the light of my life.