Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy 50th Birthday to My Mom!!!

50?!? She would scream i she knew I was posting her age probably! I remember when I used to think 50 is old lol. --- tomorrow is my mom's birthday. I think she deserves everything. It's amazing and comforting to know that she loves all of us so unconditionally. If there has ever been a woman in my life whom I admire, i strive to be just like, love to talk to, and trust with my whole being.... It is my mama! In my eyes, she is perfect. When I think of someone who goes out of their way to help others, always wearing a's her. There is something about my mama that is so comfortable- I can go up to her and lay my head on her shoulder an feel like a child again . She embraces each of my siblings and her grandchildren and my dad in such a way that other people could learn from it. I was looking through photos of her and every photo I came across had her and a child in her lap. She showers them with so much love all the time. I am so so so very Blessed that God picked her as my Mom. He gave us to her and my dad and what an amazing thing to me. He knew that she would be perfect for me and I would be perfect for her. He has kept us close and kept love in our family that no one can deny. I love so many things about my mama that it's ridiculous to think I could sit here and pick out one to write about. She laughs at my quirky jokes. She picks on me when I have a blonde moment. She knows when I am sad and down without me saying a word. She makes me laugh and ALWAYS has the perfect thing to say when I ask or advice. My mom exudes everything that I hope to be as a mother to my own son. I could go on and on ........ Let me just end this by saying "mom, I hope you know just how much you are loved. How much you inspire me and others to be a better person. How much we all need you in our lives. You are the glue that hold us together. God gave me you and for that I am forever grateful. Happy birthday Mama! Love you.