Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Asher's First Real Haircut

Easter 2012

Easter weekend was full of excitement for us this year. Myself, Mom, Kellie & Katie started off by having a yard sale Saturday morning. Despite the early hours, cool temperatures, blisters and chaos .... We ended up having a great time spending the morning with one another. I love my Mom and Sisters and am Really grateful that we are so close. Sunday, we went to Church and someone very special joined us that morning. For me, it's so great to know that I serve such a wonderful, loving God. He has truly Blessed me with some wonderful people in my life. Most importantly, He has given me the best gift that nothing else can compare to. My son is my heart and soul and I love being able to share my love for Christ with Asher. I look forward to witnessing to him for the rest of his life.
Here are a few pics from Easter! Enjoy!