Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

"Give Thanks, with a grateful heart..." Thanksgiving 2012 was amazing. I am amazed sometimes at How much God loves us all. How he works wonders in our lives. How his love never fails. How he blesses us each and every day. Sometimes, I will admit, we fall short and fail to open our eyes to all of HIS wonderful works. God is great. He is a constant in my life. He loves me unconditionally. He is worthy of praise and Thanksgiving each and every day. I know that I am blessed beyond measure. I am so thankful for everything in my life and I owe it all to Christ. He has taught me how to love, how to forgive, how to hope, how to be faithful and so much more. I only pray that my son will grow to realize the abundance of  Love that God has for him.
This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with The Puent side of our family first. Oma prepared a large meal for us all and it was wonderful. Asher enjoyed making faces back and forth across the table with his OverOma, I enjoyed helping (if you call it that) prepare the meal and Kenny enjoyed watching football with his dad and Opa. We ended that trip with a sleepy baby boy and great memories.
After Oma and Opa's, we headed over to MeMe and Papaw's house for Round 2. I swear that my mother always prepares enough food to feed an army. With that being said though, our family does keep growing. We just added little Tate man in October to the bunch!!! This year was a little different. We had some of my mother's cousins visit from out of town. It made it all the more special to have them come down and join us. Time slips away from us all so quickly. It was a reminder of how special family is. 

Halloween 2012

Halloween was so much fun!! I think I may have enjoyed it more than Asher :) We, along with the help of Asher and grandparents, decided on an Elmo costume for little man this year. He absolutely loves "Melmo" so we knew it would be perfect. It worked out so well. He was the cutest Elmo in Houston County! Trick or Treat in Ashford was son Tuesday night. We all packed in Meme's truck and started the adventure through town. Asher seemed to get the hang of it pretty quickly. He tried his best to say "Happy Halloween" but all that really came out was "ween." He did say "thanks" or "tanks" in Asher lingo. 
On Wednesday night, we went Trick or Treating in Dothan with Oma and Opa. It was just as much fun the second time around. We stayed in their neighborhood but we went to just about every home. Asher' matching Elmo bucket was FULL of candy and prizes. We cant wait to see what next year bring with our little man and families. How Blessed we are!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy 50th Birthday to My Mom!!!

50?!? She would scream i she knew I was posting her age probably! I remember when I used to think 50 is old lol. --- tomorrow is my mom's birthday. I think she deserves everything. It's amazing and comforting to know that she loves all of us so unconditionally. If there has ever been a woman in my life whom I admire, i strive to be just like, love to talk to, and trust with my whole being.... It is my mama! In my eyes, she is perfect. When I think of someone who goes out of their way to help others, always wearing a's her. There is something about my mama that is so comfortable- I can go up to her and lay my head on her shoulder an feel like a child again . She embraces each of my siblings and her grandchildren and my dad in such a way that other people could learn from it. I was looking through photos of her and every photo I came across had her and a child in her lap. She showers them with so much love all the time. I am so so so very Blessed that God picked her as my Mom. He gave us to her and my dad and what an amazing thing to me. He knew that she would be perfect for me and I would be perfect for her. He has kept us close and kept love in our family that no one can deny. I love so many things about my mama that it's ridiculous to think I could sit here and pick out one to write about. She laughs at my quirky jokes. She picks on me when I have a blonde moment. She knows when I am sad and down without me saying a word. She makes me laugh and ALWAYS has the perfect thing to say when I ask or advice. My mom exudes everything that I hope to be as a mother to my own son. I could go on and on ........ Let me just end this by saying "mom, I hope you know just how much you are loved. How much you inspire me and others to be a better person. How much we all need you in our lives. You are the glue that hold us together. God gave me you and for that I am forever grateful. Happy birthday Mama! Love you.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Railey is 5!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I will never forget the day that my Rae Rae was born. It seemed like we waited forever for her to make her grand entrance. Finally, after hours and hours of telling Katie to "work harder" and "be patient" at the same time, Railey Brooke Turner decided to enter the world and meet all of those who were awaiting her arrival!!! June 21st we celebrated her 5th birthday and it was extremely bittersweet! She has grown so much over the past 5 years and has truly, truly brought so much JOY and laughter to my life personally. She is a supporter, encourager, believer and friend to me and is only 5!!! I honestly know that my Rae Rae loves her "Sacie" very much and I know that she knows I love her just as much, if not more. Her quirkyness reminds me of my sisters and I growing up. Her girly girl style reminds me of my sister to a tee! She is a great combination of the Watkins and the Turner families. She is very strong willed, beautiful, independent, smart, inquisitive, kind and caring, loving and shy little girl. There isnt a day that I dont think about her and there is never more than a couple of days that I go without seeing her. She is such a blessing to me, to my family and I am so thankful that God gave us her. Kudos to Justin and Katie for raising such a beautiful little person, inside and out. 
We celebrated her birthday with a "Mod Barbie" party at my parents barn. Alot of man hours went into decorating and details to make her special day spectacular. She had so much fun with her friends. Here are a few pics. Enjoy!!!

Courtesy of Angela Turner & Summers Bell
My little Asher


Railey's Outfit

Corey, Kel and Baby Boy Smith
Railey Brooke Turner

Asher's World

It was brought to my attention that I needed to update my blog. Boy were you right Erin!!! I had no idea it had been so long since my last post.

A lot has been going on in our world. Life is moving along so quickly. Asher is growing like a weed. He is talking more and more every day and it is absolutely mind blowing listening and observing the things he says and does. He is so smart! I know, I know.....I may be partial because he is my child, but I swear he is so amazing. He is such a little man. I sit and think back to the day he was born and I cannot believe that it has been over a year since we finally met him. What a perfect gift God has given us! Asher teaches me so much and has absolutely NO IDEA that he is doing that. He has taught me to enjoy every moment and not take things for granted. He has taught me kindness and love in a different way than anyone else has ever shown me. He has taught me patience and understanding. He has taught me to be more Faithful and Prayerful everyday. This little 2 ft person, lights up my day every day. He makes me forget about the stress at work and the stress from life in general. When I wake up and see him and he gives the best and biggest "squeezy hugs" ever...I can feel my heart smiling and Man does it feel great! He is such a loved little guy and I pray that he will reciprocate that throughout his life.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Asher's First Real Haircut

Easter 2012

Easter weekend was full of excitement for us this year. Myself, Mom, Kellie & Katie started off by having a yard sale Saturday morning. Despite the early hours, cool temperatures, blisters and chaos .... We ended up having a great time spending the morning with one another. I love my Mom and Sisters and am Really grateful that we are so close. Sunday, we went to Church and someone very special joined us that morning. For me, it's so great to know that I serve such a wonderful, loving God. He has truly Blessed me with some wonderful people in my life. Most importantly, He has given me the best gift that nothing else can compare to. My son is my heart and soul and I love being able to share my love for Christ with Asher. I look forward to witnessing to him for the rest of his life.
Here are a few pics from Easter! Enjoy!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Asher is ONE 01/27/2012

I knew this day was eventually going to come. I just didn't realize how fast this first year would go by. I think back to a year ago (tomorrow actually) and how scared I was, how anxious I was, how overwhelmed with emotion and love I was. I remember when Asher was in my arms...all I could do was think about how perfect he was. Now a year later, he is still just as perfect! I wonder if he knows how much he is loved? I've said it before, I always thought I knew what kind of love ny parents had for me.....having Asher REALLY opened my eyes to exactly what kind of love it is. I know now that I didn't fully comprehend it . How great is it to know that there is this little soul who loves you so much and you love so much and nothing will ever take that away. God has blessed me with the most wonderful gift I have ever received.  He chose me to be Asher's mom. That means so much to me and I thank Him constantly for it. I have watched my little guy grow this year and am amazed at how smart he is. YeS, I know every mom thinks their kid is the smartest - really mine is smarter :)JK! From the teething that started when he was 3 months old to the transition into daycare at 8 1/2 months to the severe allergic reaction to amoxocillin to him scooting backwards on the floor instead of crawling or walking to him learning to walk so him reaching out his little arms for his mommy to hold him while calling my name. It is such an amazing process and I am SO SO GRATEFUL AND PROUD. Thank you Jesus for everything you have done in my life and continue to . Thank you to everyone who has helped make this 1st such a memorable year. Happy 1st Birthday Asher Adrian Puent! You are my heart and soul.  I love you!!!!!

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Monday, January 2, 2012


2011 was definitely a life changing year for me. It began in January when I gave birth to the most handsome 7lb 12 oz little boy in the world.  I can remember struggling to find the perfect name for my little man. I knew the moment I read the meaning of his name that I had found "the one." Asher- fortunate, blessed and happy.  Man did we hit the nail on the head with this name. He is all 3 of those. I remember when he was only a few hours old....he would smile and laugh in his sleep. He is such a happy baby and I thank God every day for allowing me to be his mommy. The joy that he has brought into my life is indescribable.  What an amazing blessing Asher man is.
I must say that one of the things that has strengthened within me during 2011 was/is my Faith. Realizing and Understanding Gods love for me. Knowing and trusting His will. Believing that God has a plan and a purpose for me, my future and giving it all to Him. Yes, I struggle with the giving it all to Him part sometimes....but in the end...I know God has nothing but good in store for me. What an amazing feeling it is to love Christ and know that He loves you unconditionally too. I must say that I am also thankful for my relationship with my friends and family. 2011 brought some trials my way. However through it all my friends and family have supported me and encouraged me the entire time. I am truly truly blessed to be loved by such wonderful people. I pray they feel the same love from me to them. Its hard to find people who are genuine, real, loving, supportive, Christlike and fun all rolled into one person. I have found this all in my friends and family.

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